
Hi guys! Good to be back again. I was down for about a week with a serious bout of Viral fever. Have just resumed some light work. Tomorrow I'll be meeting clients and resume regular activity. In the meantime I had the time to brush up my reading a bit. Our cyber-engagements have nowadays left almost no leisure to read good old books. Both has its pros and cons undoubtedly and I myself am quite a bit of a fighter for the cyber world... yet, sometimes I miss ordinary paper books with their smell and savour. One advantage of paper books over ebooks which I felt for the last few days is that the former irritate the nerves a bit less. Whatever little glare comes off the computer screens is actually worse than the plain light reflecting off a book, you know. This apart, you could assume umpteen physical postures while reading a book which you can't even try with a computer - even if it's a laptop or netbook or some other mini. By the way, saw a nice saying on the net; it's a...