I'm still unsure whether God exists, and if so, in what form. Surely no person of moderate education and / or intelligence would imagine God to be a large man (or for that matter lady!) behind the clouds. Then what is he?
I often feel, as supported by our philosophy, that there are various planes of existence, all carved into one another. At the same time I live in the body, the sensory perceptions, the mind and inwards. There must then be a basic plane of consciousness from which all cognition emanates and which binds the world together. This rudimentary consciousness can very well be God.
If so, there must be direct modes of relating to Him apart from the network of logic which the human mind creates. This direct mode of cognition and realization may be achieved through meditation, surrender, prayer or maybe otherwise, through a preparation of the body and faculties for receiving something which is much greater than the receptacle, which is the body-mind framework.
On the other hand a question arises, if the existence of a greater consciousness is at all necessary to make the 'system' run, then that existence must also be a part of the system, since otherwise we would be acknowledging spaces or entities even beyond the system. If that be so, that existence must be bound by its own laws, hence losing the generic force in it.
However, there is another option. Maybe beyond the limited planes of our perception there are various other dimensions, which make it possible for the co-existence or even juxtaposition of various entities in the same 'space-time', therefore opening the scope of co-existence of the creator and the creation at the same time.
Some day I will know the answer. Let us see when...