
Showing posts from March, 2008

At last!

Purchased a new operating system and using it right now. Microsoft Media Center Edition 2005. It really has the windows xp pro core, of course, minus some advanced networking features which I'll never need in my life. The additional wallpapers and themes are great, apart from having the media center software inbuilt. Since this time it's a legal version ( :P ), I'm getting all updates without having to search for unnecessary cracks! The feeling is great, and I'm on a high right now. Will experiment more and post later!


Guys, a confession to make. I'm on an illegal ms xp pro (sp2) os. Have got only one legal version, i.e. my xp home edition, which is installed in another pc of ours. However, I've decided to switch over to a legal version (sooo honest, am I not?  :P ) . Anyway, was thinking over my options. One is obviously xp pro, which is costlier than both xp home and media center, but has better networking features than both.     Yet, I've heard that the media center edition has xp pro as its core, and the media center software over it, which will save installation of a picture manager (yes, cost is a factor in India, even though I'm an Advocate!).   Hey, why don't you people leave a comment suggesting which one to buy?    P.S. I use my pc both as an office (documentation, email, internet surfing, etc.) as well as for domestic things like dealing with digital pics, listening to music, etc.

Linux -vs- Microsoft

I tried venturing into the Linux community. Tried out Ubuntu and its ancillary operating systems. I found excellent quality for freeware and a new freedom to experiment, because open source software usually provide much more scopes for tweaks. However, I had to revert back to good old Windows since many of my law-related and other programs were not running on the linux platforms. Undoubtedly Ubuntu 7.10 ('Gutsy Gibbon' as it is called) was very exciting and satisfied most of my computing needs, apart from coming with an array of useful free applications. But without my licensed applications which have become a part of my daily life as well as essential tools for my job, I couldn't stick to it long. So bye linux for the time being... back home to Windows!

Happy Festivities

A very happy Doljatra, Holi, Fateha Duaz Daham and Good Friday to you all!

Of Khans and the media...

So, the great battle of Khans is on! I'm really amazed how the media can capitalize on simple witty comments by two extremely intelligent men. Aamir and Shah Rukh both have a keen sense of humour and seem to relish commenting on each other! (Ahem.. who doesn't like a li'l box office out of nothing??) Remember the great English literateur's comment: "Much ado about nothing" !

Of Communism and Colonialism

China has its own brand of Communism - so much so that it is changing the basic tenets of Communism. Annexing the territory and market of sovereign nations to build its own, which is diametrically contradictory to the theory developed by Marx and Lenin, and Mao too, is the order of the day for China. See Tibet. A small pocket of peace-loving Buddists; so trouble-torn due to the dictatorial tyranny unleashed by the pseudo-Communists of China that they have to take the streets and their spiritual leader has to come out of his tranquil world to speak out for their cause. I feel all of us should at least threaten China to boycott the Olympics. I know that so much commerce and international politics is involved that nations can't support this boycott officially. As we all know, too many people stand to gain too many things from the Chinese market boom - unfortunately the money of these people move nations! However, at the personal level and from the daily toils of the common masses shou...

A few weeks back

It was a sunny Saturday. Three of us were off to attend a junior friend's marriage ceremony. Soon we left behind the outskirts of the city and were out on a road, flanked on both sides by strips of water and vast expanses of paddy fields beyond... An hour later we were on our own, with no remarkable landmarks and only our cellphones to contact civilization. Initially we began to wonder whether we'd lost our way, but after a while found indications that we were on the right track. Upon reaching our destination, we were overwhelmed by the cordiality and hospitality we received. Our hosts left no stone unturned to make us feel at home. We had a wholesome meal and roamed around a bit - all around were signs of a decadent cultural heritage. An array of dilapidated houses bore evidence of an affluent past, complete with arched gateways and stables, which were now grassy wastes. Occasional glimpses through aged windows of ailing semi-palaces revealed worn-out people and interiors, ti...


Nowadays my Sundays are more busy than the weekdays. Chamber, client-dealing, drafting petitions, preparing for the next week's Court..... Once upon a time the Sundays were Sundays - vibrant, sunny days with the meat lunch, day-dreaming, books, afternoon cricket / football in neighbourhood fields, occasional cycling stints, blank looks at the 'Krishnachura' tree nearby... But still, now that the leisure is sparse, it has become dearer. Scarcity has increased its price, as economists would say, perhaps. Now I relish those moments of peace with myself, my family, sometimes friends. I explore my computer and the net and lap up the books with far greater zeal than in my childhood days. Thinking so, my Sundays are again Sundays.. with lesser but more expensive leisure moments.

India wins

So India wins at last in the Tri-Game Cricket Final in Australia, beating the so-called world-beaters Australia. Many analyses are pouring in for this spectacular performance. Yet our problem is continuity, not performance. India has seen many a spirited but sporadic performance on the Cricket field. The key to success, however, lies in continuing to believe in ourselves and to go on pouring in 100 % every time on the field and in the nets. If this spirited team can retain their present mindset without getting unnecessarily egoistic, India has every chance to dethrone Australia and get coronated as the new King of World Cricket. ... and by the way, the recent success ought to teach the critics, who said that India is seeking to buy world Cricket by money power, a lesson or two!


It's Springtime, the typical short spring of a tropical country. Season changes make me think about the ageing process. I'm 37 now and growing older by the day. Do you know where our problem lies? We always search for something, even in ourselves, which is not there. Instead of enjoying our 'now' we crave for a different time-frame, a different 'us'. When I was in school, I awaited youth eagerly. When I attained majority, I was unsure of myself, looking forward to the day I'd earn my own living. Now at the doorstep of the fourth decade of my life, I'm already feeling nostalgic in many respects! But this cannot go on for ever. I'll definitely try to age gracefully, taking whatever comes in my stride and being proud of the typical attainments of my own age. Let me see whether I succeed.