Of Communism and Colonialism
China has its own brand of Communism - so much so that it is changing the basic tenets of Communism. Annexing the territory and market of sovereign nations to build its own, which is diametrically contradictory to the theory developed by Marx and Lenin, and Mao too, is the order of the day for China.
See Tibet. A small pocket of peace-loving Buddists; so trouble-torn due to the dictatorial tyranny unleashed by the pseudo-Communists of China that they have to take the streets and their spiritual leader has to come out of his tranquil world to speak out for their cause. I feel all of us should at least threaten China to boycott the Olympics. I know that so much commerce and international politics is involved that nations can't support this boycott officially. As we all know, too many people stand to gain too many things from the Chinese market boom - unfortunately the money of these people move nations!
However, at the personal level and from the daily toils of the common masses should rise a strong voice of protest. We should not only circulate our opinions on this issue, but also desist from buying the goods being dumped by China regularly to Indian and other markets. First China asks the Indian prime minister not to visit Arunachal Pradesh, a state of sovereign India, then it seeks to crush the Tibetans afresh - Tien Aan Men Square style... what next? Should we wait till the Chinese military knocks on the doors of our 'virtually' secure homes?