
Though not a techie, I've tried various operating systems. This time downloaded the latest version of Ubuntu - the 'Hardy Heron' and am using it; in fact, I'm posting from it right now.
It's like visiting a new country every time I venture away from the well-treaded Windows path. Yet Ubuntu has its own charm, the homely feeling of smelling one's native soil. It does not have the finesse or sophistication of its superior competitor, but is miles ahead in utility and experimentation. You can mould your own operating system a lot and learn more about the functioning of computers through Ubuntu.
The chief con is that most software we're used to don't run on linux. Although there are substitutes for most, but many licensed software do not have any linux version at all.
Anyway, I'm on a dual boot - a (legal!) version of Windows XP Media Center and the Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) (freeware, so obviously legal). So no problems - I can feast both my workaholic alter-ego and my leisurely split-self.


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